Conditions we treat

Corns and Callus

Corns and Callus

Calluses are dense, hardened portions of skin that have formed due to constant strain, pressure, irritation, or agitation. Calluses typically form on the sides and soles of the feet.

A corn is actually a type of callus. Corns usually show up on the smooth, thin portions of the foot’s skin – like the top of the foot and toes. They also vary from hard to soft; soft corns usually form between the middle toes, while hard corns usually form on the tops of the toes. Seed corns, found on the bottom of the foot, occur when sweat ducts are blocked.

Corns and calluses can cause a tremendous amount of foot pain & discomfort, and left untreated, they can result in serious potential side effects.

Professional assessment is the first step to clearing up corns and calluses; schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists today and explore your treatment options.


Corns and calluses are caused largely by the same things, including:

  1. Abnormal walking tendencies/abnormal foot architecture or structure
  2. Shoes that don’t fit well
  3. Not wearing socks with shoes, boots, sandals etc.
  4. Constant stress/rubbing on a certain area of the foot

Symptoms & Identification

Corns and calluses can be identified by these common symptoms:

  1. Dense bumps/patches on the skin
  2. Tenderness/burning around raised portions of skin
  3. Hurtful upon touch and pressure

Plantar Warts are often wrongfully identified calluses, along with several more serious ailments. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get a professional opinion when identifying foot conditions.

Care & Treatment

Calluses are not necessarily bad for you, but if they are causing pain they should be checked out immediately. Corns, however, can lead to staph infections and begin to secrete puss. It’s important to have them checked out as soon as possible!

Our podiatrists at Prestige Healthcare can usually treat your corns and calluses with conservative treatments, including trimmings to relieve pain, applying padding or adhesive gel to the area, and offloading (reducing pressure on the ailment) when necessary. Topical medications are also available to help slow or prevent corn and callus regrowth. You should consult a podiatrist before applying any home remedies.

Same day surgical treatment options are available for corns and calluses that are resistant to conservative treatments. You should never cut or trim your corn or callus on your own.

For more information about Corns and Callus or to have an assessment or some treatment contact us by filling out the form below, emailing or calling us.

Contact Us

Please get in touch either by phone or by email and we will be back in touch with you as soon as possible, or fill in the form with your contact details and send it through to our clinical team.


Clinic and Shop Address:

5 - 7, Church Hill Road, East Barnet,
Herts, EN4 8SY


Opening Times:

Monday - Friday 09:30 - 17:00 &

Saturday 10:00 - 14:00