Conditions we treat

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

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Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

An increase in sporting related injuries to the knee has resulted in rapid technological advances in the management of knee ligament and meniscal injuries, resulting in an earlier return to functionality and rehabilitation.

Our specialised experts here at Prestige Healthcare are highly experienced in treating complex conditions of the knee and we have a multi disciplinary approach which involves all of our healthcare professionals working together to get you back to fitness. Many of the people we treat are returned to tip-top performance without the need for surgery.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a common cause of pain around the front of the knee. This occurs when your kneecap (patella) and cartilage in your joint is affected by imbalances in the muscles or wear/damage to the articular cartilage behind the kneecap or in the groove in which the kneecap runs called the trochlear groove. It usually gets better with simple treatments such as physiotherapy and exercises. 

What causes Patellofemoral Pain?

It is probably due to a combination of different factors which put extra strain on the knee joint and on the surrounding muscles and ligaments.

The most common cause is increased training or overuse of the knee, associated with certain sports such as running. Some people may have a slight problem in the alignment of the knee; this may cause excessive stress on one part of the patella-femoral joint. The pain may also be due to the way the knee has developed or it may be due to an imbalance in the muscles around the knee. If one side of the quadriceps muscles pulls harder than the other side, then the patella may not glide correctly and may rub on one side.

Foot problems can play a part, for example, where the feet do not have strong arches (flat feet). This makes the foot roll inwards (pronate), which means the knee has to compensate for the inward movement.

Symptoms include pain around the knee. The pain is felt at the front of the knee, around or behind the kneecap. The exact site of the pain can be difficult to  pinpoint, the pain is felt vaguely at the front of the knee.

 It may be brought on by sitting still for long periods. There may be a grating or grinding feeling or noise when the knee moves. This is called crepitus. Sometimes there is swelling around the patella.

What is the treatment for patellofemoral pain?

You will be advised to avoid strenuous use of the knee – until the pain eases. Symptoms usually improve in time if the knee is not overused. Aim to keep fit, but to reduce the specific activities which cause the pain.

In the longer term, certain treatments aim to correct some of the underlying causes – for example, by strengthening muscles and helping with foot problems or providing a support .
Treatments include:
  • Physiotherapy – improving the strength of the muscles around the knee will ease the stress on the knee. Also, specific exercises may help to correct problems with alignment and muscle balance around the knee. For example, you may be encouraged to do exercises which strengthen the inner side of the quadriceps muscle.
  • You may also be taught exercises to stretch tight ligaments. The physiotherapist can give advice tailored to your individual situation.


  • Taping of the patella – this is a treatment which may reduce pain. It is where adhesive tape is applied over the patella, to alter the alignment or the way the patella moves.


For more information about Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in general, or to have an assessment, or some treatment contact us by filling out the form below, emailing or calling us.

Contact Us

Please get in touch either by phone or by email and we will be back in touch with you as soon as possible, or fill in the form with your contact details and send it through to our clinical team.


Clinic and Shop Address:

5 - 7, Church Hill Road, East Barnet,
Herts, EN4 8SY


Opening Times:

Monday - Friday 09:30 - 17:00 &

Saturday 10:00 - 14:00